Monthly Archives: May 2012

Outdoor Ed. Fieldtrips: Take Me to the Other Side!

Last week, I had the great privilege to accompany all of the district’s 5th graders on a 2-night outdoor education field trip to Bryant Pond, just outside of Bethel, Maine. The students were going to meet each other (from three different schools) before integrating into one middle school in the fall. I was particularly excited to go because of my own background in the O.E. world.

I was not disappointed. Bryant Pond did a GREAT job balancing a large group of students. It was so much fun to be on the other side of things, especially during the teambuilding and challenge course blocks. I got to watch new and experienced instructors try out lessons I have taught many times and actually see the effect on students I know and love. I enjoyed spending my time supporting students as they (literally and figuratively) took flight and became middle-schoolers overnight.

I also loved getting outdoors with 5th graders and the Bryant Pond team. We went for a great hike, where we learned all about weathering, erosion, and other long-term changes in the landscape that we are learning about in school. We found beautiful trillium in bloom and this lady slipper about to pop open. We also went swimming and canoeing, where I got started on my spring tan! It was fun to canoe along the same shoreline we hiked on for a new perspective on things.

Finally, I have to mention Bryant Pond’s fabulous “mining” set-up. They have, basically, a giant sand box set-up that they infuse with tailings from a local mine. Kids (and adults!) can use authentic tools to find their own small pieces of tourmaline, quartz, garnet, and more. They can also use this great trough to rinse of small particles in water. I had never seen such a cool set-up of this kind.

I came home from Bryant Pond so impressed with their program and the changes kids I know made in as little as three days. As always, I had a great time getting into the woods and out of our comfort zones with kids, and it definitely paid off! Well done, Bryant Pond!

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